IWMI researchers part of the Digo Jal Bikas project featured prominently at the 8th Asian Regional Conference on Irrigation and Drainage that took place on May 2-4, 2018, in Kathmandu, Nepal. In total, IWMI researchers part of the Digo Jal Bikas project gave 7 different technical presentations and some of of IWMI’s key researchers were featured in several panels. To name a few highlights, Luna Bharati organized and facilitated a symposium with Aditi Mukherji from ICIMOD on “Sustainable Irrigation” in which Alan Nicol was a panellist. Alan also chaired a session on “Enabling small holders’ capacity to obviate farmers’ distress,” which discussed much of the social science research associated with the Digo Jal Bikas project. Given the Digo Jal Bikas project’s importance in Nepal’s context of irrigation research, an entire morning session was dedicated to research findings from Digo Jal Bikas.
Take a look at several of IWMI’s Digo Jal Bikas presentations from the 8th Asian Regional Conference on Irrigation and Drainage:
- Comparative assessment of various water application methods for improving water productivity during dry season agriculture – Bhesh Thapa
- Sustaining spring sources through evidence-based interventions to augment irrigation in Nepal mid-hills – Sanita Dhaubanjar
- Projected climate future for Western Nepal – Sanita Dhaubanjar
- Gender Differences in water security and capabilities in Far-West Nepal – Gitta Shrestha
- Digo Jal Bikas – Dr. Luna Bharati
- Dealing with variations in access to water: an assessment of challenges and coping strategies in Far-western Nepal – Ram Bastakoti

Dr. Luna Bharati speaks on a panel on Climate Change and Adaptation.

Dr. Vishnu Pandey, Acting Country Representative, presents finding from the hydrological modelling developed as a part of IWMI Nepal’s Digo Jal Bikas (DJB) project.

Dr. Alan Nicol explains the multiple social and economic factors that are affecting farmers and irrigation today as part of the “Sustainable Irrigation” symposium.

Some members of the IWMI DJB project pose for a photo.