Work Package 7 – Knowledge management and dissemination

This work package focuses on efforts to develop, coordinate, integrate and manage data, information and knowledge and to communicate results both within the strategic partners and amongst the key actors and wider stakeholders. This work package will be responsible for publication and dissemination of all the generated data, tools, basin characterization maps and information. A range of knowledge products will be prepared including, flyers, case studies and reports in format consistent with IWMI and USAID requirements. Radio and video media will also be used to capture stories and experiences to show case the project.

Furthermore, as capacity building is an integral part of making sure that the knowledge generated in the project continues, efforts will be made to engage with national universities such as Nepal Engineering College, Kathmandu University, Tribhuban University etc. in curriculum development, supervision of Masters and Ph.D. student research projects, training programs for university lecturers and professors on modelling tools and e-flow assessment processes. 


  • Develop, coordinate and manage data, information and knowledge.
    • Raw (primary) data will be held, shared, and discussed initially internally on a shared project drive. This can be considered testing data (TEST), and the data should be thoroughly described (metadata), as should any changes made to the data while it is here. Data can continue to be updated and commented on and multiple versions of the data can be developed here if necessary. Once the data is assessed/filtered/harmonized/made consistent, it will be put into the proper framework or structure for display and consumption. Data here is close to ready for public consumption and is given a version number and kept in file names by version. Everyone working on the project should have access to view the data here, but only 1 or 2 people should have access to edit the data at this stage. After a final check, data will be made final and put up on the Water Data Portal for general consumption with several access points. The project will have its own entry portal, but the data will eventually also be built into other IWMI data products and tools, such as an options database and decision support tools, providing added value and maximizing the utility of the data generated.
  • Strengthen partnerships with external partners e.g. PAANI program. The project will coordinate regular meetings with the PAANI network and other stakeholders involved, and regularly update other partners on the progress of each work package. The outreach strategy will also consider what innovative tools could be used to foster uptake (ie. videos, photo stories, participatory stakeholder dialogues, infographics, blogs and other print and social media activities).
  • An appropriate communication platform which supports broad engagement (e.g. stakeholder consultations, dissemination workshops, etc) will be developed. The platform will foster an inclusive and consultative approach to engaging with key stakeholders that will help formulate policy changes in the long run.


  • A knowledge, attitude and practice survey to assess and monitor key research users’ needs at the beginning of the project as a baseline by December, 2016
  • A project inception workshop (to be held in October, 2016).
  • One project brochure by October, 2016.
  • Coordinate with WP1 in developing an online project database.
  • A communication platform which supports broader engagement with stakeholders set up by October, 2016

Assumptions and risks

  • Lack of data availability.
  • Data is collected on time and shared in a transparent manner, so that it can be uploaded on websites.
  • Lack of support for the project by partners and other stakeholders
  • Stakeholders show unwillingness to engage

Project outcomes

  • The project will provide a sound knowledge base of information to better coordinate and understand different work package components to support decision markers fill the knowledge gaps.

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